"My main subject has always been the individual, and its relationship with the outside world. Fear, mistrust, distress, loneliness - they're all there. Human life is finite and we have no control over most of it, everyone faces that sooner or later. That knowledge, and the questions it all brings - who to trust, what to trust, is there even a point? I've always been and still am looking for the answers, and my art shows mostly that, the relentless struggle of chaos and faith."
Nora Szakacs
- 2012
- Somogyi-könyvtár, Szeged, Hungary
Press release (in Hungarian) - 2011
- József Attila Tanulmányi és Információs Központ, Szeged, Hungary
Press release (in Hungarian) - 2010
- Bolyai Institute, University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary
- Williams Art Gallery, Cambridge, UK
Press release 1 (in English) Press release 2 (in Hungarian) Press release 3 (in Hungarian) - József Attila Tanulmányi és Információs Központ, Szeged, Hungary
Press release 1 (in Hungarian) Press release 2 (in Hungarian) - SZTEage Cultural Center, Szeged, Hungary
- 2009
- Culture Center of Szentes, Szentes, Hungary
- County Hall, Szeged, Hungary
- Budai Vigadó, Budapest, Hungary
- 2008
- Culture Center of Szentes, Szentes, Hungary